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Business valuations.

Many proprietors have a view of what their business is worth. This value is often not based on traditional business valuation techniques, but is simply a figure that they believe would be an acceptable price. It is important for shareholders to have a realistic expectation before starting a divestiture process.

Business are usually valued using three different valuation techniques:

(i) Earnings based valuations.
(ii) Discounted cash flow valuations
(iii) Net assets valuation

Profitable businesses are usually valued using methods (i) and (ii). Loss making companies, usually use method (iii). Whilst any profitable business is likely to be sold on an earnings based valuation, it is must not be forgotten that a valuation is not a precise science and is greatly influenced by the ability of the financial advisor during the negotiations process.

Business planning and strategic business reviews.

(i) Review of corporate mid and long term goals and objectives.
(ii) Alternative strategies review to achieve such goals and objectives.
(iii) Business results review vis a vis defined corporate goals and objectives. Effective strategies.
(iv) SWOT analysis.
(v) Strategies implementation and review.

Merge & Acquisitions
Corporate Finance
Strategic Consulting