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Following is a list of SandStones`s main transactions over the past 24 years.


  • Advised the new shareholders of the previously mentioned manufacturer, during the completion stage of the re-structuring and value generation process.
  • Advised the shareholders of a leading industrial group of companies, in the sale of 100% their shareholding interest. The firm manufactured commercial fitting up equipment, storing racks, steel/wood furniture and organizers for homes and small business. In order to achieve this goal, Sandstone was also engaged in the operational re-structuring of the firm.
  • Advised the shareholders of an Argentine corporation with a farm in Patagonia as its main asset, in the sale of 100% of their shareholding interest.
  • Advised one of Argentina’s leading insurance brokers in the identification & acquisition of insurance portfolios and re-structuring of its operations.
  • Advised a heavily indebted family owned conglomerate, with the re-structuring of its financial obligations. This was achieved by arranging non-banking “bridge” guaranteed loan, which enabled the cancellation of all short and long term debt. The loan was later cancelled by selling a “liquid” asset.
  • Advised an Argentine private investor and a leading UK based high end tourist operator in the development of a feasibility study and negotiations with local authorities, for the construction and operation of an international exclusive boutique hotel, a multipurpose observatory and a funicular (cliff railway), overlooking one of southern Patagonia’s most beautiful glaciers.
  • Advised a US based hedge fund and a European Bank in the acquisition of a US$1.3 billion nonperforming loans portfolio in Latin America.
  • Advised the management buy-out attempt of one of Argentina’s leading financial institutions. The deal was 100% financed by a leading US based private equity/hedge fund.
  • Advised a leading US based international investment firm and a group of former senior executives in banking and industry, in the development  of a private equity fund designed to use defaulted Argentine bonds (following 2002 economic crisis),  to capitalize local mid–market industrial & service companies in need of capital to finance their growth.  The fund was designed to also operate with a “mirror structure” domiciled in a European tax efficient location to attract international bond holders.
  • Advised a US private equity fund manager, with the definition, execution and control of workout plans for their underperforming health and WC investments in Argentina. Advised the firm, during the divestiture process of both assets.
  • Advised a US private equity fund manager in the definition, execution and control of a workout plan for their underperforming P&C insurance investment in Argentina.
  • Advised the same fund manager with private capital raising of a new US$300 million global financial services and related technologies fund.
  • Advised one of Argentina’s leading medical associations in the definition and implementation of its strategic plan 2005-2010
  • Co-advised together with Andersen Global Corporate Finance in the sale of a US$400 million P&C book of business.
  • Co-advised with SM Bank in the definition and organization of a real estate investment trust (REIT) to finance the construction of a US$100 million commercial and housing project in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area


  • Advised a leading US based insurance group, in defining and implementing their investment strategy in Argentina, following the deregulation and privatization of Argentine social security system (private pension and WC systems).
  • Advised the shareholders of an Argentine provincial commuter airline in the definition and implementation of a re-engineering plan, following the airline’s privatization.
  • Advised a US based investment company during the second call for the privatization of Argentina’s national insurance company. Company valuation model and acquisition structure. Assisted  incumbent and local partners in the company’s take over process
  • Advised a US mid-west insurance company in the identification of investment opportunities in Argentina.
  • Advised the below mentioned US based insurance firm during the takeover process.
  • Advised the shareholder of a local insurance company during the sale process to a US based insurance firm.
  • Advised the Argentine government in the definition and implementation of the privatization strategy of Argentina’s national insurance company. Directly involved in the definition and implementation of a transition work out plan to guarantee company’s portfolio retention and improve returns during transition period, in order to protect shareholders value.
  • Participated in the sale of one of Argentina’s leading insurance and financial services institutions to a European bank (considered a leading case at the time).

The above mentioned transactions were executed by Sandstone and/or by Mr. Ricardo A. Romanelli.

Executing a fund raising mandate.

Negotiating an operational re-structuring mandate.
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